Special offer garden buildings

Sometimes customers are in a real hurry for a garden office or room for a variety of reasons, whatever it is they need it fast. For this reason, we make a variety of stock buildings and put them on our special offers page.

Recently this occurred for a client near Reading. They wanted a small secret storage area, the rest of the rectangular space they wanted to utilise fully and add to the space of the main room as they had no need for any other storage.

Additionally, the studio was to be located under a large yew tree, looking out to a beautiful view of the river at the bottom of the garden but it needed to have an additional window on one side of the back wall so as to provide a view of any callers to the house itself.

So this is what we did, we added the window and converted the full depth secret storage area to a shallow one with an alcove behind to add space to the main office room.

Whilst we were at it, they preferred the darker colours of the black ash stain rather than the antique pine so the whole building got a colour change at the same time.

There was something else too, they are renting where they are and are anticipating relocating in a year or so and whilst all our buildings are relocatable anyway, they had to tread a little careful with the landlord, so we did not install our normal piles. We devised another method, burying some support blocks into the ground so when it is time for us to come and relocate it again, we will take the building off the blocks, fill the holes and leave it back as it was originally.

We prefer not to do too much tweaking of an existing building (we often just make another from scratch) but this one only took a couple of days to convert and we delivered the building within a week of the order, which is just what they wanted.

I had to come back to the site a week later as I had forgotten a stepladder and when I arrived there was the client in full swing doing business, it looked as if the building had been there for years. This is always the test of a good building and design; it looks like it belongs and reflecting the client’s needs and fitting the surroundings.

That’s why we have never yet built any building identical to any other, everyone needs it a little different for their own needs.

Author: David Fowler