Kids grow up so fast – but garden rooms don’t!

We have noticed recently that more and more of our clients are purchasing our garden rooms with a progressive function plan in mind. What we mean by this is that instead of instituting a concrete purpose from the start, many people are looking to reflect their changing lives and needs through their garden room.

In this respect, we often find that our garden rooms provide the optimum multi-functionality to clients who are expecting or those with young children. From self-contained accommodation for a live-in nanny to a garden play room, a garden room can offer a practical aid to a growing and busy family. (Especially as you can expect a garden office to last anyway between 50 and 60 years – probably much longer than you’d hope your brood to stick around!!!)

However, in recent years, we have witnessed a number of clients investing in garden rooms not for their babies but for their teens. As teenagers we remember spending our Saturday evenings down at the youth club chatting up girls and playing football. Now, however, clubbing culture has undeniably permeated the awareness of modern teenagers and (we are told by our own children that) the lure of drinking and dancing is a constant theme amongst peer groups.

Considering this, garden rooms are starting to be used as a space that bridges the gap between the desires of our clients to keep their teenagers safe and the inherent impulse for teenage children to push boundaries. Having access to a private space which is detached from the house (yet within reach) enables children to explore and enjoy a legitimate form of independence and also improves relations amongst family members. We are really championing this idea and have formulated a list of uses for the teenage garden room to inspire all those parents out there who have children on the brink of adolescence!

  • Sleep-over room
  • Den/snug
  • Music room
  • Club house
  • Study
  • Games room
  • Party room
  • Fitness/dance studio
  • Hobby room

If you would like to discuss garden rooms in more detail or the types of garden rooms we have designed and installed then please send us an email or give us a ring on 01159 899 555 in the day and 01949 813 813 in the evening! Alternatively, check out our garden room case studies page.

Author: David Fowler