Garden Office Weekly Update: 22nd - 28th April

Hello all, sorry we’ve been out of contact for a while – it’s been a busy few months for us at Extra Rooms and as a result we have neglected our poor garden office blog!

Considering this recent blogging hiatus, we thought the best thing to do would be to post a weekly garden office update keeping you informed with all our latest projects, garden office musings, special offers and general goings on!

Anyway, enough talking! Check out what we got up to last week…

We kicked off the beginning of last week replenishing our garden building stock supplies. It’s always useful to have a number of garden buildings in stock – primarily so we can give potential customers the opportunity to experience our buildings for themselves and also so we can bring you our garden office special offers listings!

Bearing this in mind – a customer phoned us on Monday enquiring about one of our special offer garden offices. As we were building new stock anyway, we suggested that he gave us his specifications (without a commitment to buy) and we would build a small office to match his preferences.

Here is the building being finished off in our workshop:


Fortunately, this coincidence turned out to be beneficial all round as within the week this small garden office had been built (to specification) and installed in the client’s back garden in Maidstone, Kent. Have a look at the pictures below to see how much better it looks sat in the customer's sunny back garden:


Following the installation of the beautiful little garden office in Kent we got a call from an existing customer who we built a large garden room for about four years ago. He called to get some advice on one of his doors that was occasionally sticking (a problem occasionally experienced if not maintained properly). Considering he was in Darby – a stone throw away from the workshop – we decided to pop down for a quick look at the door and a catch up!

Turns out it was lucky we did because the customer had let all his cedar cladding becoming discoloured. For a small sum we eased the door and applied a reflective solar coat to protect the building from UV damage and any more discolouring. Like a car - a garden office needs some TLC to keep it looking great. If treated well your garden office will last you for an indefinite amount of time - you just have to look after it!


Unfortunately, we were unable to get a picture of the office before we treated it but check out the after shot – good as new!


So overall a very positive few days at Extra Rooms with lots of happy customers. Fingers crossed the weather holds out for us in this coming week so we can come back to you with some more sun-filled garden office activity.

If you would like to discuss garden rooms in more detail or the types of garden rooms we have designed and installed then please send us an email or give us a ring on 01159 899 555 in the day and 01949 813 813 in the evening! Alternatively check out our garden room case studies page.


Author: David Fowler